SZCB-01-A1-B1-C3 China sales steam turbine rotation speed sensor

The steam turbine rotation speed sensor SZCB-01-A1-B1-C3 is a sensor for measuring the speed of rotating machinery....


Calibration of China made magnetoresistive speed sensor ZS-04-75-3000-20

The calibration of the magnetoresistive speed sensor ZS-04-75-3000-20 needs to be carried out in a laboratory or a special calibration room....


CS-1-G-065-05-01 High-resistance rotational speed sensor

CS-1-G-065-05-01 High-resistance rotational speed sensor...


CS-1 D065-05-01 Magnetoresistive speed sensor

CS-1 D065-05-01 Magnetoresistive speed sensor...


ZS-1/ZS-01 Magnetoresistance Rotation Speed sensor

ZS-1/ZS-01 Magnetoresistance Rotation Speed sensor...


CS-3F-M16x1-L70 anti-rotation speed Sensor

CS-3F-M16x1-L70 anti-rotation speed Sensor...


China magnetoresistive rotation speed sensor CS-1

China magnetoresistive speed sensor CS-1...


YOYIK supplies Rotation Speed Sensor TO3S

YOYIK supplies Rotation Speed Sensor TO3S...


HZQW-03A Turbine Rotation Speed Bolt Monitor

China HZQW-03A Turbine Rotation Speed Bolt Monitor Manufacturer. Yoyik makes high quality rotational speed monitor for power plant steam turbines....


Deyang yoyik supplies Speed Sensor CS-3F

 Cs-3F series speed sensors use steel material (or other magnetic material) to make the gear rotate, produce the change of magnetic flux, and obtain the signal through the sensitive element, which can measure the rotation of the wheel. The built-in circuit of the sensor can amplify and reshape the signal and output a stable square wave signal. The measurement frequency range is wider, the out...


D521.02 Braun Single Channel Speed Monitor

D521.02 Braun Single Channel Speed Monitor...


Characteristics of ZS-04-150-5000 non-contact Speed sensor

Characteristics of ZS-04-150-5000 non-contact Speed sensor...

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